Sunday, December 13, 2009

like a child

Number Four was at the dinner table tonight by himself (as usual because he's the slowest eater in the bunch) and starting talking to me. Here's the conversation.

"Mom you should probably start making some clothes for the baby."
"What baby?"
"The baby in your belly."
"The baby in my belly died sweetie."
"How did it die?"
"I don't know."

(There was a brief pause as he thought about this.)

"That's fine."
"What's fine?"
"That the baby died."

(Another pause.)

"Mom, where did the baby go?"
"Babies go to heaven when they die."

(A brief pause.)

"When we die do we go to heaven?"
"We do if we believe in Jesus."
"I do bewieve in Jesus."
"Good honey."

(Another pause while he munched on bread and I told him that the baby was a boy and it was his brother. His eyes got big with that news.)

"Did the boy in your stomach bewieve in Jesus?"
"Yes, I think so."

"So you don't have the baby anymore?"

Then he went to his brother to tell him the news.
"The baby in Mom's belly died."
"I know."
"It probably bewieved in Jesus. It's in heaven."

And it really is as simple as that. But so difficult to accept as readily and calmly as my three-year-old did. No wonder God wants us to be like children.


Jill said...

SO precious the faith of a child! Connor said something similar to me when he was 3 yrs old. "Mom, Allison and I were in Wendy's belly, and Camden was in your belly, but Wendy died. How did she die?" "She got sick," I replied. "Did she know Jesus?" "Yes." "Did she go to Heaven?" "Yes." "SO WE'LL SEE HER AGAIN!!" (and that was that...)

Mia said...

I guess even if we can't be childlike very often as adults, the Lord uses children to remind us.