Friday, December 11, 2009


I'm always amazed at how God uses people to touch his children. In order to better convince myself of his love and care for me, I thought I'd keep a running list of all the ways I've been touched and loved and cared for and blessed by others in the past few weeks. Here goes:

Thank you to my brother for calling immediately and telling me he was sorry. I could hear it in his voice.

Thank you to my sister and her hubby who braved a 2.5 hour trip up north with four boys in the van. Peace and quiet was very nice when my mind was reeling. Thanks also to my parents who took the boys on a day's notice and while they were trying to get the house ready for the entire family (all 29 of us.)

Thank you to the dear friend who brought me a fabulous deli lunch a couple days after I learned I lost the baby. The chicken salad was incredible.

Thank you to all the friends on Facebook who posted that they were praying and that they were sorry. Your response was incredible.

Thank you to the all those who phoned and emailed, telling me they were praying for me, crying with me and letting me know they cared. Thanks especially for understanding that I couldn't get on the phone to talk right away because I wouldn't have been able to say anything.

Thank you to my immediate family for not bombarding me with questions while we were up north for Thanksgiving. I was hanging on by an emotional thread and couldn't have tolerated too much talk about what was going on. Thank you for giving me space and understanding.

Thank you to my brother's mother-in-law for her kind words and best wishes.

Thank you to another friend who brought by soup and squash bread to put in the freezer for later. (We had it two weeks later and it was wonderful.)

Thank you to a friend who blessed me with a bag full of goodies that showed how well she knows me - Caribou coffee, chocolate truffles, three glorious balls of yarn, a soy candle and a journal.

Thank you to a couple cousins who put together a box of my favorite things - handmade Christmas ornaments that are simple yet very cool, Ghirardelli chocolate and chocolate kisses, and all sorts of Burt's Bees' products - lipstick, a travel kit and lip gloss. I was blown away by their generosity and love. (See the picture above.)

Thank you to another cousin and her husband for sending a care package that included a plaque with the words "lead me, guide me, walk beside me" (that I stuck above my computer), a cozy bathrobe and a very touching card. I hope she doesn't mind if I share her words. "Just a note to let you know that our hearts hurt for you. To think of the pain and sense of loss that you are feeling right now is heartbreaking. Know that we are lifting you up to the One who has a perfect plan. In the midst of the pain and sadness, we pray that you will sense His Holy Presence. May HIS peace fill every fiber of your being. Lean on Him as you mourn and as your grieve. He, too, lost a son; He knows and He cares and He understands. You are loved by so many. Praying you can feel all of us holding you up; you are being carried on the wings of prayer. God grant you peace and may He fill your aching hearts. With much love..."

Thank you to my in-laws for taking the boys on a moment's notice and keeping them overnight for a couple nights while we were in the hospital. The peace and quiet was needed.

Thank you to my sister-in-law for coming to the hospital with us and for staying with Hubby while I was in surgery. I know that the time passed better for him because someone was there. Also, it was nice to see a friendly face in the room after it was all over and have someone adjust the stupid blood pressure cuff that kept squeezing my IV. (Still have a bruise from that.)

Thank you to another sister-in-law for bringing over Papa Murphy's pizza for us the day the boys got home. I was in no condition to cook - boy does this wipe you out - and the boys LOVE pizza. Also for the card and a CD containing the song that I can't get out of my head. I found myself humming it even today (Hillsong's "You Hold Me Now"). Her card too was very touching. "No matter how long the Lord gives us with the ones we is still hard to say goodbye. Know that we love you and even in the months to come - you'll continue to be in our prayers. Just a reminder of the things we don't often say..."

Thank you to the nurses at Buffalo Hospital, who sent a card after I got home to let me know they were thinking of me and hoping I was feeling better after the hospital stay.

Thank you to another friend who brought over chili (that I had been craving) and cornbread (that goes so well w/chili, but that I never take the time to make) and just for me - chocolate chip cookie dough.

Thank you to a cousin's wife who sent us a book entitled "The One Year Book of Hope," and explained that it had helped her through some of her difficult times and that she hoped it could help us too. I already started reading it, and so far, the daily devotions are powerful.

Thank you to those who have sent cards of encouragement, letting us know that you are praying for us and thinking about us and sometimes providing for us in ways we weren't expecting.

Thank you to the three daughters of our head pastor for waiting so patiently to give me their gifts (I hadn't seen them in at least three weeks). The two older girls (ages 6 and maybe 8) took the time to create some unique artwork for us, with Bible verses penned in very neat handwriting. In case you can't read the passages, they're from Ephesians 3:16-19 and Zephaniah 3:17. The littlest one (age 4) handed me a gift bag with chocolates and some Mary Kay lotion. I was so touched I asked them all for a hug.

Thank you to a cousin for sending me a CD by BeBe Winans with one of her favorite songs - "My Christmas Prayer." She wrote that she hoped we would find it uplifting for our spirits. Isaiah 49:13 was printed on the card. "The Lord has comforted His people and will have compassion upon them in their sorrow."


This is quite a list. And yes, I am counting my blessings.

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