Thursday, January 15, 2009

good morning

This is why I am not a morning person.

Hubby's alarm went off at 6:15 a.m. and he shut it off without getting out of bed. My boys (by some freak of nature) are early risers and were out of bed before him. Not so quietly out of bed, I should add.

The morning drill around our home is for everyone to go quietly downstairs, pour cereal and milk and remain quiet until Mom gets up, at...well I won't tell you what time because it, ahem, varies. This morning, they all decided to pile into the bathroom while Dad turned on the space heater and climbed into the shower (warmest room in the house, you see.) Only this morning, the pipes were froze, hubby was running late, Thing #4 had poop in his pants and all Thing #2 could whine about was the bacon he didn't eat for supper last night and wanted now for breakfast.

Mom was dragged from deep underneath the down comforter and a not-so-deep sleep, having figured out precisely what was going on, and rather kicking herself for not putting the heater going next to the pipes that perpetually freeze in winter, particularly in temperatures like what we're experiencing right now.

Note the picture to the left as proof of Minnesota's ridiculous winters and the fact that I was out of bed before 7:30 am. Actually had I thought of this sooner, I would have photographed proof at the actual time I got out of bed - 6:45 a.m. I can't even remember the last time I was up this early.

So, hubby is trying to get to work with no running water. Things 2-4 are hungry and Thing #1 has gone outside to start the truck. The pipes are still frozen as I'm writing this, so hubby would have had no chance to shower this morning and still make it to work on time. My solution for his situation? I found a pitcher of water in the fridge, dumped it into a stockpot and had to reprogram the stove since apparently the power went off last night. A few minutes later, I'm dripping semi-warm water over his head in the ktichen sink so he can manage the bed head a little bit.

Then, like the good wife I am, I even styled his hair with way too much mousse. But, he actually looked pretty good, all things considered. Next came dealing with the reek coming from Thing #4 and we are off to the races this morning. Kids got fed. I got my picture. And a blog entry to boot.

Good grief. So, here I sit, freezing cold and I'm not even close to hungry at this time in the morning. Think I'll go back to bed and get up in a couple of hours - then it WILL be a good morning.


Krista Koljonen said...

Brrr, Kara. Probably shouldn't tell you this, but we're scratch the negative and add 20 to your number. Good luck with the frozen pipes today.

Hannah said...

oh yuck. what a lousy start to a day. i hope it got (MUCH!!) better!