Thursday, December 18, 2008


On my wish list is a book by Dr. Kevin Leman called "The 1stborn Advantage." I have no idea if the book is any good, but he has a great sense of humor and everything else I've read of his is great, so odds are good. Anyway, today I was reminded again of what firstborns are like.

We firstborns, for some reason, feel it is our duty to correct the world of any errors they make, especially grammatical. Hubby shakes his head at me when I correct him when he says things like "Where are you at?" or "I'm going to go lay down." (I'll let you figure it out...)

With grammatical errors, I notice them almost immediately and I often can't help myself from pointing them out. Sometimes the filter in my brain works; other times it doesn't. (And even though I'm an English major, I do miss some - so all of you who noticed the mistake at the top of the back page of my Christmas letter - rest assured - I saw it, but forget to go back and correct it. And yes, it irritates me.)

But, today my firstborn son got a look at the letter and felt compelled to point out two other errors that I made. (Typical.) First, I apparently listed the blue of the go-cart as Jeff Gordon blue when in fact it was Dale Earnhardt Jr. blue (there is a difference I was told) and I wrote that my third son is six, when I'm pretty sure he only turned five on his last birthday.

I'm not sure which was more mortifying - realizing that I made three mistakes in one letter (one of which I could care less about) or realizing that firstborns can be downright annoying sometimes. (Who wants to hear that they've made a mistake?)

So, if I've ever corrected you...hopefully, the good news is that the peacemaking middle children will have enough grace to forgive me and life-of-the-party last-borns won't even care that I made a mistake in the first place. And the rest of you firstborns probably didn't even think twice about who corrected you because you felt just as mortified as I did today.

At least that's what I'm telling myself.


Hannah said...

It looks like I signed up just in time to leave comments on the good stuff! :) Are you going to do another post about the bossy side that sneaks out now & again? or the need for approval (or was that a personal thing, can't remember! lol!)? ~ I did notice a couple typos in this post. Would you like me to point them out? ;)

Nora Bergman said...

hahahaha! You two are funny! (Kara and Hannah)

kara said...

me, make a mistake? never! good thing i have the power to go back and edit so it was like they were never there. :) not that i'm admitting to anything...

Hannah said...

some firstborns suffer from dishonesty & competitiveness. you have my sympathy.

Krista Koljonen said...

Jed just bought the book and shares funny commentary with me (I plan to add it to my list of books to enjoy). We are getting quite a kick out of it so far (being that we are both firstborns). Have you read his birth order book? I would like to...

kara said...


The birth order book is WONDERFUL!!! One of my favorites of all time. Check it out from the library if you don't buy it. Well worth it.

DrNita said...

I just got his book called "Sheet Music." He mentions the birth order briefly in it. I'm only on chapter 3 and so far so good. It's about sex. : )

kara said...

Ha ha - it's already on my Amazon wish list. He also has a book called "Sex begins in the kitchen" that's on my list. Feel free to buy either for me. ;)