Wednesday, December 17, 2008


No one ever told me how much kids pick up information - literally like sponges. They can retain so much and their memory capacity just scares me sometimes. Of course, the info they soak up is never what you want - like multiplication facts or what sound the letter "h" makes.

Instead, they suck in what Mom said about someone that shouldn't be repeated, and then they do. They memorize whole team rosters and then recite them in the van when you're trying to concentrate on not ramming into the idiot driving 30 mph in front of you. They pick up on song lyrics that are at best slightly inappropriate.

Hubby likes to listen to a country music station that plays both new and old songs while he's working on the addition. Normally this wouldn't bother me at all because I kind of like the station too (nothing like a little Johnny Cash or Marty Robbins on occasion.) But, of course the kids couldn't pick up on "El Paso" or "A Boy Named Sue." Instead, all four of them have been singing the chorus to a song that I have to admit is catchy, but a little strange coming out of the months of two- to 10-year-olds. I don't even know the name of it or who sings it.

But, apparently my brain is a sponge for useless information too - because I can actually recall the refrain (but probably only because I've heard it over and over and over:

"A little bit of chicken fried. Cold beer on a Friday night. Pair of jeans that fit just right. And the radio on..."

Yeah, picture that coming from a five-year-old and you get the idea of what I'm dealing with. Maybe I'll have to switch to classical music - no words. Course, them they'd just hum "Flight of the Bumblebees" and drive me just as crazy.

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