Monday, May 19, 2008

shop menards

The kids are getting too smart. We can hardly keep up with their logic anymore.

The other day we were shopping at the local home improvement warehouse. Hubby was walking the aisles with the seven-year-old when he heard him mutter, "This stupid store!"

Not seeing any blood, broken bones or items falling off shelves, Hubby asked him what was wrong.

"They're just so stupid here. They can't even sing their song right."


"It should be 'shop at Menards.' Not 'shop Menards.' " he stated.

Troy still couldn't figure out what he was talking about, until he realized the store's jingle (which plays incessantly over the loudspeaker) goes:

Save big money.
Save big money.
When you shop Menards.

Trying to explain that it sounded better that way didn't make him feel any better.

"This place is so stupid. Why can't they just say it right?"

A few minutes later, Hubby heard him muttering again while the song played, "Blah blah blah stupid store." And apparently he went on and on about it, every time it played.

I suppose technically he's right - his grammar queen of a mother would have told him so. Dad wasn't quite inclined to do that.

Wonder who he takes after.

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