Thursday, May 22, 2008

dog day

Today, for the first time in his entire life, hubby filed a worker's comp report for an on-the-job injury. In his line of work, you'd think it would be something terribly serious like a gunshot wound or a black eye.

Instead, he got bit by a three-legged dog.

Honestly I'm more upset that the stupid animal bit through a pair of brand-new Sketchers. And tore a hole in the back of a pair of really nice, flat-front Gap khakis. When he called me to tell me about it, I told him he better get new shoes out of this deal.

He claimed I was more worried about the clothing than the husband. (I wasn't, okay I kind of was. But, dang it's so irritating to finally find a pair of shoes he likes and than have a dog bite a hole right through the leather heel.) In my defense, though, I did call the two nurses in the family to see what he should do, and then gave him step-by-step instruction on how to soak his foot and what to use.

By the time I got home, he was playing Ms. Pacman and had his foot soaking in one of my bread pans. One tooth had punctured his heel and his sock was bloody. I did inspect the foot before the shoes and the pants. He had to visit the doctor, which was mostly a waste of time, but I suppose necessary for documentation. Thankfully I convinced him to decline the tetanus shot. (Don't even get me started on where tetanus is found and how that would be inside a dog's mouth. Or about what's being used as a preservative in the shot itself. Let's just give his immune system something more to work on. Anyway...that's another story.) So, now the dog is apparently quarantined for 10 days in case of rabies.

As if we don't have enough to worry about with kittens, chickens, a garden that will never get planted, a building project and four boys. Let's add rabies to the list. (Although I don't think the odds of it are very high.)

The boys were pretty concerned when they heard about the dog bite (we have dog fear issues in a few of them.) He said they wouldn't need to worry about rabies unless he started biting them. And then he started chasing them around the house.

I think he's going to be fine.

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