Wednesday, March 12, 2008

spring fever

Most people, after catching spring fever, daydream of warmer weather, planting a garden, seeing the first robin pecking out worms, wearing t-shirts outside. Not me. I dream of garage sales.

I know this MN winter is getting long when I literally wake up from a random garage sale dream. Last night, I dreamt I found the sale to beat all sales - a little bit of everything packed into two garages and run by four women. I couldn't stack wool sweaters (to felt), men's dress shirts (to repurpose), fabric (to make totes and bags) and other miscellaneous goodies quick enough.

I was salivating over things I don't even like - salt shakers, belts, knick knacks and even a crocheted doily. Yuck.

When I finally had shopped myself silly and couldn't balance my stack anymore, I panicked because I couldn't find my purse. It was lost amidst the junk somewhere. Credit cards, check book, cash and wallet all gone. I had six ladies digging through stuff while I backtracked my path, all of us searching for the missing bag.

At that point, minus even purchasing all my newfound treasures, I woke up in a cold sweat. But that might have been hormones too.

Either way, the lost purse nightmare was over, leaving me only to await the true harbinger of spring in Minnesota - garage sale signs.

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