Wednesday, March 25, 2009

ha ha ha

I swiped this from Krista's blog - have no idea where she got it. It's so funny, I don't care if I might be breaking any blogging etiquette. Enjoy!


Krista Koljonen said...

Swipe away, Kara. Who cares if there's such a thing as etiquette in the blogging world. When it comes to humor, pass it on...share.

I can't take credit for finding this treasure a few Sundays ago in the comics. Jed and I were over at the Koljonens that afternoon, and Scott and Kristian were giggling over it, but, of course, they wouldn't read it aloud. The only one brave enough to do so was...yes, you guessed it...Jed.

Hannah said...

I love Pickles!! I bought a couple books for my grandparents a couple years ago ... since the couple reminds me of them. I still don't know if they really appreciated the thought. :)