Tuesday, March 10, 2009

what love will make you do...

This is about Valentines day - a little late I know - but I wanted to make sure I got the story straight before I posted.

Hubby did good this year. Not that I doubted him, but years of getting licorice for Valentine's Day have sort of jaded me. Once a year I know I'm going to get bag of red licorice and a package of Ghardetto's mustard pretzels. Not terribly romantic - but still not a bad gift.

This year, he outdid himself. No licorice. But there was a bag of pretzels wrapped up with a card and a gift certificate.

I officially have $25 to spend on whatever my heart desires at the local yarn shop. Yippee! (The down side is that this will require me to make a DECISION, which takes forever, but for me wasting time in a yarn shop is a little bit like taking a long hot sauna - ahhhh!)

But what made the gift even better was the story that went along with it. Apparently walking into a yarn shop (for a man) is probably a bit like a female trying to get her bearings at a gun show. He told me that he peeked into the door and got the shock of his life as five ladies smiled back at him. (Patty, the owner, has a table set up near the front where people meet to work on projects.)

He turned tens shade of red when he had to ask about a gift certificate. "Oh, you need to talk to Patty for that!" He blindly tried to figure out who Patty was, until someone else informed him that she was on the phone.

Then, he got bombarded with comments and questions. (What woman can resist commenting on romanticism?)

"Are you buying your wife a gift certificate for Valentine's Day?"
"That's such a great idea - so much better than flowers or candy!"
"Oh, that's so nice! I wish my husband would do something that nice."
"Can you call my husband and tell him what a good idea that is?"

With all that pressure (and the Valentine hopes and dreams of at least five women riding on his purchase), hubby couldn't just walk out or drop dead from embarrassment. But I'd be surprised if he ever sets foot in that shop again.

I hope I was worth it.


Hannah said...
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Hannah said...

I love those mustard pretzels and licorice, too! Great taste you have. :)

What a nice gift. You'll have to take a few hours & allow yourself to get lost in the yarn shop.

Krista Koljonen said...

Troy rocks. I could totally imagine the sequence of his adventure at the yarn shop. :-)

For Christmas Jed wanted to stuff my stocking with a gift certificate for a manicure and pedicure, since I have ceased biting my nails. Instead of going to our local salon, The Living Room, he sent his MOMMY to pick up the GC. Chicken. Knowing his "competitive" nature, I'll have to tell him that brave Troy one-upped him. JK.