Monday, February 16, 2009

play by play

For the most part, I'd say that my in-laws know pretty much everything that goes on in our house. (Notice, I said for the MOST part.) They know our daily schedules, what sports the kids play and when the next match is and sometimes even what we're having for supper.

There is one thing, though, that I don't think they planned on knowing. And it's really their own fault.

Grandma and Grandpa take each grandkid out for their birthday - to the restaurant of their choice. February 1 was Boy #4's birthday, but he hadn't earned the right to go yet. Grandpa has been telling him for about six months that he needs to go poop and pee on the potty in order to go.

Now, we're finally making some progress. We're already past a week of potty training and no accidents so far, so my guess is the big day will be coming soon. And they should know it's coming - they've had plenty of warning. Or should I say plenty of play-by-play.

Every time #4 goes #2, he immediately follows up with "I better call Grandma!" So, along with all their usual knowledge of what goes on in our little love nest, they also know when the baby of the family has a bowel movement.

That amuses me to no end. There are just some things you don't want to know, but it's pretty hard to say "No" to a three-year-old who wants to call his grandparents with some "news." It's also pretty funny when the news is "I went a monster poop!"

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