Thursday, February 5, 2009

it stinks

I have instituted a new policy around here - the chore board. So far, in the couple months that we've had it up, it seems to be working well. No morning snack until all the chores are done (I lump schoolwork in with that.)

The boys whine about it, but when they see the writing on the board, they have little to argue about. And I think they like checking off things when they're done. Today, Number Two was not happy about having to do his chores. Mind you, they're not that bad. His list read: Make bed. Brush teeth. Schoolwork. Take out compost. Put away clothes. That's it. It's not like I'm making them scrub the toilet with a toothbrush.

But, he was still whining about it.

"It's gonna stink to be a Dad!" he insisted.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because then I have to do all this work." he said. "It stinks to be a kid too."

I didn't have the heart to tell him he might actually be right.

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