Monday, May 10, 2010

when will power doesn't work

About a month ago, I switched out the summer and winter clothes, only to be completely mortified by how little fit me - tops and bottoms. Even worse than tight capris was the bulge between my armpits if I wore something sleeveless.

It was not a pretty sight. I think I may have actually gagged a bit.

So, I decided to do something drastic - a diet. For almost four weeks now, in an attempt to lose seven pounds before my brother's wedding, I quit pop, snacks and eating between meals. I haven't kept track of my calorie intake, but I know that I'm insanely hungry come meal time and could probably devour about three Happy Meals. But, I haven't. In fact, I have almost completely eliminated any processed foods from my diet, fixing home-cooked meals for lunch and supper. My only slip-up is cold cereal in the morning. Mornings and I to do not get along.

All of this has resulted in a grand total of losing one pound. One pound!!!! I probably could lose that much with my morning visit to the john. I probably could have kept drinking my beloved Dr. Pepper, eating chocolate, sneaking black licorice and snarfing down frozen cookie dough and wouldn't have done any worse.

Deprivation apparently does not work for me - which is incredibly ironic, considering that I was so disciplined with this and I am not particularly proud of my will power, especially when it comes to things like reading the Good Book or not yelling at my kids.

I was hoping to avoid physical exercise in this process. Figured I could sort of semi-starve my way into losing the flab on my arms. Evidently, the hyper-metabolism of my youth has died a slow death. I have been known to consume an entire foot-long Subway sub in one sitting and still have room for the pop and chips that go along with the meal. Seconds on a home-cooked meal? Sure, why not! I'll burn it off tomorrow.

So, what does one do when will power doesn't work? Does that mean I now have to been disciplined enough to, gulp, exercise too? Or do I just start investing in shrugs and shawls and chalk it all up to almost turning forty...


Unknown said...

Oh, I know. I've been hearing for years about how the metabolism STOPS at 40. You and I are fighters, though, so I say let's go down fighting. You've got that great shoulder on your road out there. Want to run with me? Or we could take up roller blading. Kali Pelham does that and has a blast. But, yeah. Getting older sucks in some ways.

kara said...

I know - it's perfect for running. I just don't feel like running. In fact, I hate running - except for the sense of accomplishment when I come back in the driveway. Maybe I'll start tomorrow. ;) LOL