Monday, January 18, 2010


Hubby had the day off today and decided to help me out by doing schoolwork with Boy #2 and Boy #3, bribing them with ice cream sundaes if they got everything done for today and more. This would be approximately four hours of actual school work time, if they actually sat down and did it without crying and whining and daydreaming. I chuckled to myself because I knew the bribe, while clever, probably wouldn't work.

After half a day of trying to install maple flooring (in between bouts of "I don't know what to do" and "This is too hard" and "I need you to help me" and "I don't know what nine times seven is") he plopped himself on the ground, looked at me and said, "I seriously think you need a psych evaluation!"

Now, I'm thrilled that he understands why I'm sometimes still in pajamas when he gets home from work and why I sometimes call him several times a day to insist the boys are getting on the bus the next day and why I am making no progress on my tile work. But I'm not as thrilled by the insinuation that I might be crazy.

Wonder what the evaluation would reveal. But really, I'm probably better off not knowing.

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