Saturday, September 5, 2009

swing batter, batter...

Here's why I really love Facebook. I posted this as a status update:
If life hands you lemons, make lemonade. So what do you do when life throws you a curveball?

Here are the responses I got:

Catch it and throw it back?

If you're the batter, BUNT... or learn to hit a curve ball outta the park!! :)

That last comment if fantastic...too bad it is not so easy to do, but what a goal.

Love the comments...and pray. Don't get hit in the face with the ball. might hit it out of the park and then you will be the teams hero....and if not your team will stand there and pat you on the back and tell you great job...

(ME) I was sort of thinking about just quitting the game...

It's too easy to just quit..the curve ball is not the only one in the game..there may be a nice slow pitch with the next throw and you can knock it right out of the park..

If it's a strike...swing!! what do you have to lose?!

(ME) I think i got hit by the pitch. ;)

Will start to pray for you to be ready to get up to home plate again.

Walk's as good as a hit! Have quick feet on the bases! See ya at home!!

It's always interesting to get other people's perspectives, and often makes a person feel better just to hear some positive pep talk. Not sure if I'm ready to get back in the game yet, but at least I know some good coaches.

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