Tuesday, September 8, 2009

it's personal

This morning, God made my day. I was the recipient of a very blunt, sort of personal question - and all I could do was laugh. It was exactly what I needed to start my day off. I knew the asker wasn't asking just to be nosy (okay maybe a little nosy) but I'm pretty sure it wasn't the only reason.

Our little internet chat made me chuckle, helped me through some junk and gave me the promise of another person's prayer for me to work through some more junk. This person, who proudly claims to not be a "people" person, really was God with skin on this morning - a people person whether she knew it or not, if only for a few minutes.

I truly appreciate no-nonsense, matter-of-fact people who don't beat around any sort of shrub. People who will ask a blunt question. People who will tell you exactly what they're thinking, sometimes whether or not you ask for their opinion.

And usually, they don't get upset if you don't agree with them. Those are the kind of people that I like to have in my life - brutally honest, blunt people who can speak the truth in love. (Not an easy gift or talent, I might add.)

Sometimes I need to hear stuff like that and like today, welcome it. Other times, I just get ticked and won't listen, or at least won't listen right away. But today, I'm so grateful that someone was wise enough to see through me, brave enough to ask a personal question and kind enough to hear the answer, give some counsel and prayer.

After all, is it really supposed to be so personal?

1 comment:

salubriousdish said...

I completely agree with your choice of friends. Brutal honesty is so refreshing.