Wednesday, November 19, 2008

in the spotlight

Hubby brought me flowers last night when he came home from work. (How sweet, I know!) After he walked in, he gave the bunch to #4 (the two-year-old) to bring to me. He dutifully handed them over and then gave me a hug (I'm guessing that was also part of his instructions.)

A few minutes later, I was cutting the stems to put the bunch into a vase when one of the older boys came into the kitchen and asked me where I got the flowers. From Dad, I said.

"And I gave them to her!!!" two-year-old declared, to anyone who was listening. Although it sounded more like: "N I gave dem to hair!"

Typical baby of the family - wanting the spotlight firmly on him. I don't think hubby minded sharing with him - he was the baby too.

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