Wednesday, November 5, 2008

in the mail today...

I love a good prank. But first, let me tell you how a cousin blessed me today. She sent a package with a very sweet and encouraging card, a bag of chocolates, an amaryllis plant so I'll have a little bloom at Christmas and a kit of linen-scented diffusing oil. It smells really nice and kind of clean. (I almost wondered if she'd secretly been inside the house lately.)

But the piece de resistance was a little bag with this tag attached: "Lunch today is on me. Wish I could be there to share it with you!!!" Inside were two beets. My boys thought I was crazy when I laughed for a couple minutes straight.

Here's the joke - I planted a whole row of beets last summer in the garden because she kept saying how good beets were. I got her "no-fail" recipe and served them for dinner one night. They were NOT a hit - only hubby and one boy liked them. The others asked that I never make them again. (Keep in mind that these are children who eat venison, olives, broccoli, asparagus and are just about anything else I place in front of them.) But they didn't like the beets. (I didn't much either.)

A good laugh is better for the soul anyway.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

My kid loves beets so much that she begs me to make them. But, oddly, she doesn't much care for go figure.