Wednesday, October 22, 2008

what i accomplished today...

I'm sure this will impress so many of you, but hey all things considered, I'm pretty proud of myself.

1. Actually did a science lesson with boy #3. (But only because I was feeling guilty about crabbing at him last night and that we have done almost no science since school started. 206 bones in the human body. The smallest is the stirrup in the ear. The strongest is the thigh bone. And he now knows that when I grab his ear to stop him from pummeling his younger brother, I'm grabbing cartilage.)

2. Took a shower. (But only after a guy from church stopped by to tell me he missed me - we haven't been to church since the first weekend in September - and I realized that I was a complete greaseball, bedhead who was still wearing pjs at 10:30 am.)

3. Made my bed. (But only because it's the only place in the house I can fold laundry. I still haven't got to the laundry.)

4. Returned one phone call. (But only because it was my sister-in-law and I wanted to get rid of my kids, who at the time were fighting over who got to use the peanut butter knife and in what order the peanut butter and jelly should be put on bread.)

5. Got the main floor somewhat picked up. (But only because I made the boys do it - since it's their mess anyway. I used the sleep-over at their aunt's as a bribe. It worked very well. And I don't think they felt taken advantage of in the least bit.)

6. Responded to an email from a friend. (But only because I first emailed her to ask how she survived five miscarriages - I figured she had some wisdom and insight to offer. I wasn't disappointed.)

7. Cancelled the D&C surgery for Friday. (But only because I figured it was a great way of to get out of going anywhere for awhile. Kidding. I may regret that decision, but it felt right at the time.)

There you have it - all that I accomplished today. And it's only 4 pm. Almost time for Jeopardy.

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