Monday, December 15, 2008


Two-year-old is supposed to be potty-trained by now. (He'll be three in a month and a half.) He was doing great for awhile - Grandpa gave him lots of incentive by telling him he wouldn't get to go out to eat for his birthday until he went poo and pee on the potty.

Now, however he just gets mad at me when I tell him it's potty time. He doesn't want to go and doesn't care that he goes in his pants. Today, when I tried to tell him that he should be a big boy and wear big boy underwear, he just pouted at me. I tried to reason with him by telling him, "IF you don't go pee on the potty, THEN you won't get to go out to eat with Grandma and Grandpa for your birthday!"

He just looked at me and said, "Then you can't to come to my berfday!"

IF this child doesn't drive me crazy soon, THEN I'll do it myself.


Mia said...

His comment is priceless! If it makes you feel any better I have a boy who turned 3 in Nov. who has yet to go in the potty more than one time. He'll do it when he's a "big boy."

kara said...

when exactly does that happen anyway - when they're 42?